The gateway to winter can be daunting for me. In the height of fall, with all its color and perfect weather days, I know I am not ready for the impending dark cold days of winter.
Most years, nature is kind enough to make the transition from season-to-season gradual which makes it easier to accept the new normal when it arrives.

And, every year it surprises me that I am more ready then I realize for all that winter has to offer. I actually welcome the cold as I layer up and protect myself from the freezing temperatures. My fat tire snow bike gets out of the garage to enjoy time on the snowy trails. Skis and ski boots get dusted off and tuned up for downhill adventures. The shorter days give me long evening for introspection and self care.
So why is there a feeling of trepidation with change, after all, change is constant. Rather its transition for what we wish for or what we get in spite of what we want, change, like a good friend, is always there. This seasonal shift serves as a powerful metaphor for the changes we experience though out the year.
As we navigate the metaphorical journey from autumn to winter in our lives we can find strength, renewal, and the resilience to face whatever comes our way. The angst we feel isn’t something to fear; it is the explorer in us contemplating an adventure. There is so much that illuminates our way through change. Winter nights may be long, but they are adorned with the shimmering light of stars and snow that light our way and gives us much to ponder and look forward to.
I am choosing to welcome the transition as winter moves in around me. A blanket of snow has fallen today; the first flakes of this season. I am ready. I am ready. I think I’ll make a snow angel later today to celebrate the metamorphosis.
What are you most looking forward to as this new season approaches? If you looking for assistance to navigate change contact Mind Yourself Coaching for information on how I can help you.